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Waste Tyre Pyrolysis Plant Project Market Analysis


With the rapid development of China’s automobile industry, there are 1.5 billions waste(scrapped) tyres/tires all over the world. Many countries are confronted with the problem that how to deal with increased waste tires/tyres. The main part of the waste tires—–waste rubber, is the hazardous waste acknowledged by the international. A large number of the waste tires/tyres are piled up in the open-air long time that occupied a large number area of the land. It is easy to breed virus and produce the spontaneous ignition.

However, which the waste rubber based on waste tires can be recycled again. We, Xinxiang Doing Renewable Energy Equipment Co.,Ltd. manufacture the waste tyre refining equipment that can process the waste tires and get the crude oil. At the same time it also can get the carbon black, steel, flammable gas and so on. It can not only solve the problem of the environmental pollution, but also the question of the shortage of the energy. Then it can help us creat the big economic profit.

In China for example, there are waste tires about 1.4 million tons. That a large number of the waste tires discard in the valley, rivers and some remote places, will cause serious pollution. In the 1990’s, a great deal of waste tyre refining equipment have been beginning to put into use. It can process the waste tires about 100 million tons. With the development of this industry, now the price of the waste tires which is free of charge before has already reached 300 USD per ton, and the price of the crude oil has already reached 700 USD per ton. The steel and the carbon black also can get effective use.

Maybe the waste tires are piled up in your country just like the hills. Why not do action now? Using the waste tyre refining equipment to process the waste tyre and get the crude oil, carbon black and steel.


The formula of economic benefit analysis

 The cost of 8 ton tireA
Oil outputB=8ton*45%=3.6ton
Electricity :D=15kw*20hour
Wokers salaryE=4(persons) *Price/Person
Crude oilF=8ton*45%*Price/ton
Carbon blackG=8ton*35%*Price/ton
Tires wireH=8ton*10%*Price/ton

Take waste tire oil refining equipment processing 10 tons for example

No.ItemCost of Per Batch
110 tons of waste tires10T*USD 236/T=USD2360
20.4 tons of coal0.4T*USD126 /T=USD50.4
3Water and electricity200*USD0.16=USD32
4Workers Salary4*USD16=USD64
5Total CostUSD2506.4


1Crude Oil10T*45%*USD709=USD3190.5
2Carbon Black10T*35%*USD82=USD287
3Steel Wire10T*13%*USD34=USD450
4Gross ProfitUSD3927.5
5Daily Net ProfitUSD3927.5-USD2506.4=USD1421.1
6Monthly Net ProfitUSD1421.1*25=USD35527.5
7Yearly Net ProfitUSD35527.5*10=USD 355275

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