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Calling all home decor addicts: 5 funky DIY tips to recycle old tyres

5 funky DIY tips to recycle old tyres

Aworn-out tyre need not drive you into the cribbing mode. Before you think of discarding it, take a look at these super cool and trendy do-it-yourself ideas and put your old throw-away tyre to creative use. You can also hunt your neighbourhood junkyard and buy a few worn-out tyres at cheap rates that can be turned into statement decor pieces.

From peppy planters to a quirky table, options abound for those who want to recycle old tyres. Remember, you would also be doing your bit for the environment by re-using old tyres as they are one of the largest and the most difficult to manage waste items.

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Paint two tyres. Place one on top of the other. Get a glass cut in round size, bigger than the size of the tyres. Place it on top of the tyres and your centre table is ready.

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Fun planters
How about turning your tyres into planters? Paint tyres in colourful hues and use them to pot plants in your garden area.

What a display
Take eight tyres and paint them in bright colours. Arrange the tyres on top of each other as shown in the picture and place a painted wooden slab on top of it. Use this to exhibit your decor pieces.

If your neighbourhood has trees, then you can become a favourite among the kids. Paint a tyre in fun hues and hang it with a strong rope on a sturdy branch to make a swing for them.

Read More: tyre recycling plant


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